GestureTek Health is the inventor, pioneer, and market leader of immersive gesture control technology for healthcare and rehabilitation. The company’s award-winning portfolio of health-related products includes five different types of state-of-the-art systems already sold globally in hospitals and clinics. These products offer unique patient and clinician benefits that have been proven through numerous studies over the past 20 years. Canadian-based GestureTek Health is in a phase of growth and new product development that will maintain ongoing market leadership—continuing to make GestureTek Health the go-to market expert for healthcare practitioners and beyond.
Vision and Mission
GT Health aims to be a global business that is path breaking for patient rehabilitation and recovery. The company will continue to build its presence and reach to revolutionize markets - rehabilitation, education and beyond - through its mission of being a world-leading inventor of affordable and accessible immersive technology that enhances whole mind and body health.