Irpin, Ukraine opens the first Ukraine Psychological Rehabilitation Centre for Victims using the IREX
Representatives of the Guardian Angels Ukraine (GAU) Project took part in the official opening of the first Centre of Psychophysical Rehabilitation for Soldiers in Ukraine. The event took place in the Military Medical Clinical Centre of Professional Pathology of Servicemen of the Ukraine Armed Forces. The Centre for Psychophysical Rehabilitation has rooms for psychosocial influence and psychotherapy with use of audio-visual stimulation technologies. In addition, there are rooms for ergo-therapy and Interactive Rehabilitation exercises using the IREX.
After a briefing, members of the media were taken on a tour of the rehabilitation facilities where they were shown the physical therapy room, occupational therapy room, sensory and music therapy room, as well as the room utilizing the IREX interactive rehabilitation therapy system, acquired by the GAU project. "This system is not found anywhere else in Eastern Europe," Dr. Stebliuk said proudly, pointing towards the new IREX system being used by a recovering patient.
The center is sponsored by Guardian Angels Ukraine and is located at the Irpin Military Hospital near Kyiv. The hospital can accommodate up to 80 rehab patients and is located in a serene, retreat-like setting, surrounded by woods. The patient-soldiers are able to find quiet refuge and focus on getting back their physical and psychological health.

"Today's event represents a first step in our efforts to assist Ukraine as it confronts enormous challenges in the area of rehabilitation medicine. We cannot ignore the urgent need to improve the rehab services at Ukraine's network of military medical facilities," said Lisa Shymko, Honorary Chair of the Guardian Angels Ukraine Project and President of the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women, who spoke on behalf of the Canadian partners of the project.

Guardian Angels Ukraine was launched in December 2014 as a project of the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women. The project aims to provide rehabilitation treatment and medical support for injured Ukrainian soldiers. This project is lead by the North American and European Rehabilitation Centers for Veterans of Armed Conflicts. This center was made possible with the support of the Guardian Angels Ukraine (GAU) project, initiated by the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women.