MultiTouch Tables used in Award Winning Traveling Exhibit Super Cells:
The Power of Stems Cells at MaRS Discovery District

A new science exhibit opened at MaRS Discovery District in downtown Toronto. Super Cells: The Power of Stem Cells is a free, interactive, museum-quality exhibit designed for children 4-14. This exhibit teaches young people about stem cells through very high-tech and interactive zones to spark their curiosity and passion for science - especially in regenerative medicine. Children are able to interact with technologies such as GestureTek Health's 42" multitouch table each used for education and entertainment.
Following the exhibits success in 2014, it has since travelled to Newcastle, UK. After the Toronto stop, Super Cell visited California, and will then return to Canada in 2017, to the Musee de Fjord in Quebec. Super Cells is an award-winning exhibit that was produced by the Stem Cell Network and Musee Nature Sciences Sherbrooke, with assistance from stem cell and regenerative medicine translation centres in Canada, the U.S. and the UK. Super Cells was awarded the 2015 CASCADE Award for Best Exhibit or Show - Small Institution, from the Canadian Association of Science Centres.